gears and vehicles造句


  1. Most of the equipment was communications gear and vehicles.
  2. Imports are mainly oil, foodstuffs, electrical appliance, construction gear and vehicles.
  3. Iraqi security forces, for instance, still need training, communications gear and vehicles.
  4. Some amount of wear is unavoidable, but with better clutching / shifting technique it can be minimized by releasing the clutch as close to the correct engine speed for the gear and vehicle speed as possible.
  5. He and the rest of his combat brigade at Fort Riley, the Army base a few miles from this town, have been working for weeks, late into the frigid prairie nights, cleaning and packing gear and vehicles for the trip back to Baghdad after the new year.
  6. It's difficult to find gears and vehicles in a sentence. 用gears and vehicles造句挺难的
  7. It is clear from watching them that they are not well-trained .  The Syrian military was edging closer towards the border and their success against the rebels was credited to the recent arrival of more improved gear and vehicles, not seen before, for the Syrian Army.
  8. However, the animated ROCC was capable of housing the entire Sigma Six team, gear and vehicles such as Snake Eyes'Ninja Bike and the R . H . I . N . O . ( Rapid Heli-Integrated Neutralizing Offense ), which itself is a large vehicle.
  9. Former Attorney General Ed Meese states that " when police officers face unusually dangerous situations, they need all possible protective equipment, including specialized gear and vehicles that may be used by the military "; he states that " officers and supervisors must take extreme care and utilize special safety measures to avoid the risks that come with the severe hazards involved in such exceptional use ."
  10. GameSpot described the graphics as being " very impressive, with detailed, heavily articulated gears and vehicles, natural-looking fauna [ and ] vivid landscapes . " " Maximum PC " described the engine as " gorgeous ", praising it for providing " sharply rendered mechs and terrain details, as well as eye-popping explosions that light up the landscape " and other graphical effects.
  11. This operation can be very difficult to master, as it requires the driver to gauge the speed of the vehicle and throttle to the intended gear accurately; vehicle weight and road gradient are important factors as they influence the vehicle's acceleration or deceleration during the shift . Double clutching is when the clutch pedal is depressed while shifting to neutral to match engine speed to the intended gear and vehicle speed, and again depressed for shifting into gear.


  1. "gears 1"造句
  2. "gears 2"造句
  3. "gears 3"造句
  4. "gears 4"造句
  5. "gears and tears"造句
  6. "gears for weaving looms"造句
  7. "gears in mesh"造句
  8. "gears of war"造句
  9. "gears of war 1"造句
  10. "gears of war 2"造句

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